Smooth slomo
Smooth slomo

smooth slomo

When you’re all done, click Save changes to put things into motion (pun intended). If you’d only like a section of your video to be slowed down or sped up, use the Range slider to specify. How slow or fast do you want things? Use the Value slider to make your video up to 10 times slower or faster. Use the Slow / Fast motion tab to adjust your speed. Select your clip and open the Clip editor (pencil icon). Step 3: Open the Clip editor and adjust speed In order to edit media, drag your desired clips onto the Video 1 section of your Timeline.

smooth slomo

Need footage? Our easy-to-use video editor has over a million royalty-free stock assets at-the-ready. Pull from your computer, or import from social sites like Google Drive, Facebook, Box, Dropbox, or OneDrive. Step 2: Upload your footageĬlick Import and choose where to upload your media from. In WeVideo, click Create new > Video, then select whether to use our full featured editor or a simplified version for quick edits. Customize as you wish with easy-to-use editing tools, text, music, transitions & more.

  • Select your clip and open the Clip editor (pencil icon).
  • Upload footage and drag it onto your Timeline.
  • No need to fumble with less-than-stellar slow-mo video editing apps or curse the skies as you try and navigate an Adobe product.

    #Smooth slomo how to

    Whether it’s slowing down your videos or speeding ‘em up, we’ll show you how to do both in our online video editor, plus provide some tips on when to slllooow thiiiiingsssss dooooooown. Not to mention, adding a slow motion effect in post-production is wonderfully easy. Using intentional effects in marketing videos is a surefire way to boost engagement and have your audience craving more.

    smooth slomo

    Your mission: learn how to make a slow motion video (or maybe do the exact opposite…).

    Smooth slomo